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Color Persuasion and Buying Influence

Different colors evoke different emotions. Using the right color can make a difference in whether or not you are able to draw in consumers or voters in your direction.   It’s nothing new that colors hold the power to sway our opinions. When it comes to marketing, this tells us that color alone could be the deciding factor of whether or not someone checks out. Consumers tend to make purchases based on emotion and colors play a huge part in our emotions. When a product is unable to speak for itself, color steps in and takes over the mic. Eighty-five percent of consumers have admitted to buying a particular item with color as the leading reason for doing so. Specifically,...

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Online vs. In-Store Shopping

 What will bring you more sales--online or in-store shoppers? Although online shopping has increased and will continue to increase over the years, in-store shopping comes out on top for driving in bigger sales. Bringing shoppers in the door will drive sales up more than having shoppers scrolling through the online catalog. What is the reason behind these numbers? Impulse and stress. Thanks to impulse shopping and retail therapy, consumers end up spending more when they shop in store. Although it only takes a few clicks to fill an online cart up, it also is just that easy for them to remove items from their cart. However, consumers fill up an in-store cart just as easy but find it more difficult...

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Give Your Old Yard Signs New Life

If you like giving old things new life, this list is sure to spark some ideas in up-cycling those leftover campaign signs.           Once campaigns are over, what can you do with these yard signs? They are constructed of durable, waterproof, rust-resistant plastic material. And although recyclable, up-cycling is the fun way to go. If you try any of these, feel free to email us any images to be featured on our Facebook page or next blog post.   Build a Play House: With the sign plastic being as durable as they are, corrugated plastic makes perfect tree house roofing or play house walls. They are lightweight enough for the kids to help build, but weather-resistant enough to...

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